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Friday Singing

End your week singing in nature with others. 

“The tongue can paint what the eyes can’t see.”   –Chinese Proverb

Friday snging about
Friday Singing is a harmony singing group for everyone, drawing on songs and chants from around the globe for an uplifting experience in a friendly community. Originally set up and run by Fran Andre, this group was born out of parents looking to end the week singing together. 

No particular singing ability or experience is necessary, and songs are passed on orally, so no need to read music. 

"We are all born with a voice. When it is heard, it says something vital about the deepest layers of our identity, our commitment and aspirations."
A suggested price of £8-£10, but feel free to pay less if you need to.
payment can be transferred via bacs or a 'ticket' can be purchased here:
Join us
Friday singing is weather dependant. Text your name, with 'Friday Singing' to 07983 400227 to join the WhatsApp group for updates.
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